Free Form Dance is a joyful, fun, real, genuine, spirited DANCE EXPERIENCE!
- Start your day with the fun-fun-fun of dance!
- No memorizing, following, concentrating on the right steps
- Sweat, move, and go wild for an amazing workout…like Cross-Fit!
- No teacher, no method, no choreography
- Dance like nobody’s watching
- Move your body differently than you ever move it for the entire rest of the week
- Drop your inhibitions
- Dance out your feelings, whatever they are–express yourself!
- Connect with other humans without talking
- Be inspired by fabulous, eclectic, sometimes familiar, engaging music
- Participate in a group while doing your own thing
- Make new friends
- Practice keeping your personal boundaries and then letting go of them, whatever feels right
- Experiment with expressing yourself physically in brand new ways
- Steal dance moves from other people
- Stretch, do your yoga moves, meditate, rest
- Community!
- Freedom