Tag Archives: December

Winter Dancing Joy

As we move into December and the shortest day and longest night of the year where this dance is held….the awareness for how sweet, almost necessary, and what a gift the dance can be is palpable.

Last week, the sound of Leonard Cohen’s Halleluia, sung in Hebrew by Cantor Azi Schwartz of Park Avenue Synagogue, still rings in my ears. We love honoring the spirit of all nations and humanity and traditions through the music offered in FreeForm Dance Dance.

The practice of opening up to whatever movement this body would express, and the general body of the entire group in the dance together, is unique every time. In some ways, every dance is unlike any other.

We have a pattern…we begin around the same exact time on the clock on a Saturday morning, end around the same exact time, people come and go, some are familiar and some are brand new, the weather is sunny with shadows dancing through the huge windows or dark and wet, the dance hall is bright or dark, the decorative cloth we hang are always different….and yet there is only ever a dance like this one, today. It can never be repeated, it can never go in the same way.

As we approach the anniversary of our fifth year of dancing together on Saturday mornings in Seattle, we see no signs of stopping this glorious ritual, this playground of fun and joy, and authentic spontaneous moving to the songs of the world.

Can’t wait to dance with all the people and bodies who enter this wonderful experience with us. If you’ve never tried freeform dancing before….come join us! It’s a moving meditation and an adventure you may find as exquisite as we do. We welcome you.

Facilitator Grace